Courses taught
Public Policy, Department of Political Science,
University of Copenhagen, Spring 2020–2024
- Cohort lecturing appr. 200 undergraduate students three weeks in a
row on topics like political rent-seeking, regulatory capture and
Methods 2 & 3, Department of Political Science,
University of Copenhagen, Spring 2020, 2021 and Fall 2023.
- Taught classes of appr. 35 undergraduate students on topics like
experimental designs, quasi-experimental designs and panel data
Methods 1, Department of Political Science,
University of Copenhagen, Spring 2018
- Taught a weekly class of appr. 35 undergraduate students, carried
out sections and workshops in applied methods and statistics.
Bachelor Thesis Methods Sessions, Department of
Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Spring 2018
- Helped students with methodological and statistical concerns in
their bachelor theses throughout the semester.
Short courses/workshops
Quasi-experimental analyses in R, Department of
Psychology, University of Cambridge, May 2021
- 2 hour tutorial session for PhD students about regression
discontinuity designs and difference-in-differences designs and how to
implement them in R.